Expozice požární ochrany ve Zbirohu

The Expozice požární ochrany ve Zbirohu (Fire Protection Exhibition in Zbiroh) is a museum operated by the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. It offers visitors a detailed look into the history and evolution of fire protection in the Czech lands, focusing on both volunteer and professional firefighters. The exhibition highlights the mission, organization, and activities of firefighters throughout different historical periods and showcases the equipment and techniques they have used in their challenging work.

Expozice požární ochrany ve Zbirohu

649 Švabinská ulice

3308 Zbirohu



1 May – 30 June

  • Tuesday – Sunday 09:00 – 17:00

1 July – 31 August

  • Tuesday – Sunday 09:00 – 17:30

1 September – 30 September

  • Tuesday – Sunday 09:00 – 17:00

Aircraft collection

Mil Mi-2 B-2047


Mil Mi-2

Moraven Z-37A

Moravan Z-37A Cmelák OK-12


  • Historical Equipment:
    The museum features unique artifacts, including:
    • A historic steam fire engine.
    • Firefighting vehicles, such as tanks and planes used in fire suppression.
    • Helicopters adapted for firefighting missions.
  • Firefighting Tools:
    Displays of hoses, pumps, uniforms, and other equipment that document the evolution of firefighting technology.
  • Interactive Displays:
    Exhibits are designed to educate visitors about the critical role of firefighting in protecting lives and property.