Reynolds-Alberta Museum

The Reynolds-Alberta Museum, located in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, is one of Canada’s premier institutions dedicated to preserving the history of transportation, industry, and agriculture. Named after Stan Reynolds, a prominent collector and businessman who donated much of the museum’s initial collection, it is a must-visit destination for those interested in the evolution of technology and its impact on everyday life.

Reynolds-Alberta Museum

+1 780-312-2065

Summer Hours (Victoria Day to Labour Day)

  • Daily 10:00 – 17:00

Winter Hours (Labour Day to Victoria Day)

  • Tuesday – Sunday 10:00 – 17:00
  • Closed Mondays, except for Holiday Mondays

Admission fee

Gift shop

Aircraft collection

Canadair CL-13 Sabre 3



























Aeronca C-3]

American Eagle A101

Avro Avian IVM

Avro CF-100 Mk.3B Canuck

Beech D17S

Bellanca 31-55A

Bristol 170 Freighter 31M

Canadair CF-116 Freedomfighter

Canadair CT-114 Tutor

Canadair Sabre 3

Cessna C-37 Airmaster

Conair Firecat

Curtiss JN-4C Jenny

Curtiss Robin C-1

de Havilland DH87A Hornet Moth

de Havilland Vampire F.3

Douglas C-47 Dakota

Fawn II (Fleet 7C)

Hawker Hurricane XII

Lockheed CF-104 Starfighter

Lockheed T-33A Silver Star 3

McDonnell CF-101B Voodoo

North American NA-64 Yale

Pietenpol Air Camper

Sikorsky H-34

Taylor J-2

Travel Air D-4D

The Reynolds-Alberta Museum has 70 vintage aircraft, the second-largest vintage aircraft collection in Canada.

Highlights of the Reynolds-Alberta Museum:

1. Transportation Collection:

  • Features vintage vehicles, including:
    • Classic Cars: A range of automobiles from the early 20th century to the 1970s.
    • Motorcycles: Historic and rare motorcycles, highlighting the development of two-wheeled transport.
    • Aircraft: Includes bush planes, vintage commercial aircraft, and early aviation technology.
    • Trucks and Buses: Commercial vehicles showcasing the growth of the transportation industry.

2. Agricultural Equipment:

  • Extensive collection of tractors, combines, and other farming machinery from the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • Highlights Alberta’s agricultural history and its transformation through mechanization.

3. Industrial History:

  • Exhibits on the tools, machinery, and innovations that shaped Alberta’s industrial growth.
  • Focuses on industries like oil, logging, and construction.

4. Specialized Galleries:

  • Stan Reynolds Gallery: A tribute to the museum’s namesake, showcasing some of his most significant contributions.
  • Feature Exhibits: Rotating displays that delve deeper into specific themes or rare collections.

5. Restoration Shop:

  • Visitors can observe ongoing restoration projects as skilled technicians work on vintage vehicles and machinery.
  • Demonstrates the techniques used to preserve historical artifacts.

6. Outdoor Displays:

  • Larger vehicles, including vintage fire trucks, threshers, and steam engines, are displayed in the open-air exhibition areas.

7. Events and Activities:

  • Hosts annual events such as:
    • History Road: A classic car show featuring hundreds of vehicles from private collectors.
    • Harvest Festival: Demonstrations of vintage farm equipment in action.
  • Offers workshops and family-friendly activities.

8. The Aviation Hangar:

  • A separate facility showcasing a collection of historic aircraft and aviation artifacts, emphasizing Alberta’s role in aviation history.

Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame, based in the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada, commemorates and honours those whose accomplishments in aviation contributed so much to Canada’s development as a nation. Founded in 1973, the Hall of Fame has honoured thus far more than 200 aviators, engineers, technicians and administrators.

Stories are told on four by eight foot panels with portraits, citations, photographs, and memorabilia. The Hall has an extensive collection of personal items and memorabilia related to inducted members, including such material as licenses, logbooks, uniforms, insignia, medals, trophies and awards, documents, correspondence, scrapbooks and photographs. The reference library contains approximately 2,500 books and over 12,000 periodicals related specifically to Canadian aviation. Items are loaned to other museums in Canada for exhibit purposes, and may be accessed by researchers and visitors, by appointment.